Specialized consultancy services for you and your business.

We create and implement bespoke strategies for successful investors and businesses to increase revenue streams, lower costs, secure funds and improve the overall setup. We have in-depth knowledge of claims management processes, we are very familiar with the realms of cryptocurrencies and we have a vast experience of project management.



Helps you and/or your business creating your action plans for increasing revenue streams, lowering costs, securing funds and improving your overall setup.


Professional claims management services for you or your business, to take care of any valid claim you might have against another person or business.


Helps you and/or your business move into the crypto space. Which exchanges to use and how to use them, portfolio management, How to avoid exchange theft and secure your funds.


On a temporary or more permanent basis, we take on project management within development of products and services, sales, writing and more.


Our clients are very demanding and that helps us stay on edge, sharp and ready. We have a select few and long-term clients from various sectors of the business world, who we help build solidity, fame and success. Our clients match us perfectly, as we too are quite demanding. We make sure new clients is a good fit and that they don’t have any negative impact on, but rather contribute to our existing client base with the plans, ideas and scope of work the bring to the table.


Our price model is very easy, as all our services are priced in the exact same way. Thus, you can choose to have us focus on one area alone, or a mix of areas. All new clients are welcomed through a process where we get to know each other and we make sure the work fits into both your and our plans, so that we always deliver the highest quality within any agreed upon deadlines. We live by quality and reputation and we highly appreciate the fact that all our clients stay with us for years.